Book Review: Rising - Sally Malcolm

Title - Rising (Stargate Atlantis)
Author - Sally Malcolm
Year - 2004
Stand Alone or Series - Series (SGA1)
Pages - 207
Reading Time - 2 days (October 2010)
Rating - 2/10

This is was the first book in the Stargate Atlantis series. It's call Rising like the first episodes on the Stargate Atlantis TV series. I thought that by reading this novel I would gain something more. But movies's tie in (in these case series's tie in) are a two way street. They either give something new or do not. The other books on these series are not base in any tv series so they give us something new. This one did not. It gave nothing new. And I mean nothing. The lines on the series are there. The emotions there. There isn't anything new with the few exception. Bah. I read it in two days but I didn't felt nothing in reading it.  Waste of time.
